Sunday, May 2, 2010

Critical Mass Houston

On Friday night we took to the streets of Houston on our bikes for the Houston Critical Mass. We arrived at the park early, and it initially looked like it was going to be us two, a guy in full lycra and pro-cycling gear, a random bloke with a guitar and no bike, and a chap who kept using the nearest bin to do BMX tricks off. Within half an hour however there were around 200 cyclists in Tranquility park, and over the space of 20 miles, we saw a pro-life protest complete with nasty pictures of cut-up foetuses, met a guy called Smithy who had made himself a couple of panniers out of the plastic election placards that are everywhere and then stocked them with beer, and ran into two separate police blocks complete with policemen who seemed unsure what they should do about trying to give everyone a ticket. We finally stopped under a freeway back in downtown, but by this time I’d sadly lost Marielle in the melee of cyclists. It’s probably the only way to survive jumping a red light on a bike here.

1 comment:

  1. looks like more fun than circling Bedminster Bridge roundabout on a dark and rainy November Friday evening
    Go Houston!
